YouTube Video not Processing or Uploading

The causes include a slow internet connection, incompatible size and format, server issues, etc. We will try the following solutions sequentially to isolate the causes one by one.

1] Preliminary suggestions

A few preliminary solutions are as follows:

Restart your computer.Open a new tab or try a different browser.Clear browser cacheClose the uploading process, rename the video, and then upload it.

After trying these preliminary solutions, you can proceed with the following solutions:

2] Check the YouTube server status

It is rare for YouTube’s server to be down, but if that happens, this cause needs to be analyzed before anything else. If the server is down, all other solutions will be useless. There is no specific website for checking YouTube’s server status, but you can check the status of Google’s server at Alternatively, you can try checking the server status through third-party website status monitors.

3] Check the internet connection speed

Videos are usually heavy and thus it might seem that the uploading process is slow over an average internet connection. In this case, it is advisable to check the speed of the internet connection. This can be done using free third-party internet speed test tools. Alternatively, you may simply search “internet speed test” on the Google search bar. The speed of your internet connection will be displayed on the Google search bar itself.

4] Check the video size

YouTube keeps a size limit on videos that are uploaded by content creators. The limits are 256GB or 12 hours of playing. If either of these limits are breached (not or), then you will not be able to upload the video.

5] Check the video format

YouTube supports only a limited number of video formats. If you upload a video of any other format, then it will not be supported by YouTube and will be stuck at the processing stage. At times you might get an error, at times you might not. Please check the list of approved formats on To resolve this problem, you can use a video format converter tool.

6] Wait for some time

Many ISPs have a limit to the total upload bandwidth across all their userbase. When many users are uploading a lot of content, the ISP will disallow further uploads at that point of time. In this situation, all you can do is wait. We recommend contacting your ISP for the same.

7] Check video quality

When you shift from 1080p to 4k, the size of the file increases significantly. Most YouTube users watch videos on their phones or laptops and thus such high resolutions might not be needed. In this case, you can lower the video quality and upload the file.

Read: How to link to a YouTube video from a specific Start time to End time

How do you increase YouTube uploading speed?

There are many ways to improve the speed at which your YouTube video uploads. The first one is to increase the speed of the internet connection. The second is to lower the quality of your YouTube video. It won’t matter much since most users are mobile users. Lastly, you can kill a few background processes to speed up the system. Read: How to use YouTube Analytics to check channel performance

What do I do if my YouTube video is stuck on processing?

In most cases, two things are responsible for this problem. First, if you have internet connection issue, YouTube won’t be able to upload videos. Secondly, if there are some problems at the YouTube’s server end, you could find the same issue while uploading the video. However, we can rule out format and size issues if it was even approved for processing. In this case, you can open a new tab and try uploading the video through that tab. You could also wait for a while in case the problem is with the server. Read: YouTube not connecting to AdSense Account; Error AS-08, AS-10 OR 500