All you need to do is download the tool, from the link given at the end of this post and fill in your email address and password. The passwords are not stored anywhere, for security reasons. Next from the drop-down menu select your email provider. It could be Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or a custom one. In case of the first few, the Port and Server details will be filled in automatically. In case of a custom or different email provider, you will have to fill in the details yourself. You also have the option to Use SSL if you wish. Next type the email address of a single or multiple users one after the other and make sure you click on the Add to list button. This tool, also lets you send attachments. To do so, use the Attachments button. You can also see the list of people you are sending the mail and the attachments. Click on the Close button to close these dialog boxes.

Finally type the subject and the mail matter and hit the Send button. You will see a confirmation dialog box, once the mail is sent successfully. You can also use HTML code, should you wish to send live links, etc. If you want to check spellings, you can click on the Spell check button to bring up Office Word’s spell checker tool.

It has been tested on on Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit, but works on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 as well.

WinMailer v1.0 is a small 500KB portable freeware, developed by TWC author Lavish Thakkar, for The Windows Club. If you wish to give suggestions or feedback, please do so below in the comments section.